API / Configuration / ChartData

Defined in: src/types/index.ts:30

Type Parameters

Type Parameter Default type
T MeaningfulAny


Property Type Description
chart? ChartOptions General options for the chart.
legend? ChartLegend The legend displays a labeled box for each data element in the chart. It shows a distinctive symbol paired with a name for every series.
series object Represents the series data and series options.
series.data ChartSeries<T>[] Contains data points to be plotted.
series.options? ChartSeriesOptions Allows for customizing the appearance and behavior of the series.
split? ChartSplit Setting for displaying charts on different plots. It can be used to visualize related information on multiple charts.
title? ChartTitle The main title of the chart.
tooltip? ChartTooltip<T> Options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a series or point.
xAxis? ChartXAxis Options for the the X axis.
yAxis? ChartYAxis[] Options for the the Y axis or multiple Y axes.