API / Configuration / ChartLegend

Defined in: src/types/chart/legend.ts:3


Property Type Description
align? "left" | "center" | "right" The horizontal alignment of the legend box within the chart area. Default center
colorScale? object -
colorScale.colors string[] -
colorScale.domain? number[] -
colorScale.stops? number[] -
enabled? boolean -
itemDistance? number Defines the pixel distance between each legend item Default 20
itemStyle? BaseTextStyle CSS styles for each legend item
margin? number The space between the legend and the axis labels or chart area. Default 15
title? object -
title.align? "left" | "center" | "right" The horizontal alignment of the title.
title.margin? number The distance(in pixels) between the main content of the legend and its title Defaults to 4 for horizontal axes, 8 for vertical.
title.style? Partial<BaseTextStyle> CSS styles for the title
title.text? string -
type? "discrete" | "continuous" Different types for different color schemes. If the color scheme is continuous, a gradient legend will be drawn. Otherwise, samples for different point values Default 'discrete'
width? number -