API / Series/Treemap / TreemapSeriesData

Defined in: src/types/chart/treemap.ts:7


Type Parameters

Type Parameter Default type
T MeaningfulAny


Property Type Description
color? string Individual color for the data chunk (point in scatter, segment in pie, bar etc)
custom? T A reserved subspace to store options and values for customized functionality Here you can add additional data for your own event callbacks and formatter callbacks
id? string An id for the node. Used to group children.
name string | string[] The name of the node (used in legend, tooltip etc).
parentId? string Parent id. Used to build a tree structure. The value should be the id of the node which is the parent. If no nodes has a matching id, or this option is undefined, then the parent will be set to the root.
value? number The value of the node. All nodes should have this property except nodes that have children.